Debbie Phelps Summary

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The article “Debbie Phelps” by Matt Schneiderman was discussing about how Debbie Phelps discover her son, Michael Phelps was suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and deal with it.
Michael Phelps, the winner of 14 Olympic gold medals in swimming was actually one of the ADHD patients. Same as other people suffering from ADHD, he is also lack of concentration and having problem on his school performance. His low performance in school aroused his mother’s attention.
At first, his mother thought his high energy levels and lack of focusing was normal for a boy because he was the youngest and only male in the siblings. But then after he continued his study at Baltimore, Maryland, his teacher pointed that he is lack of improvement …show more content…

She couldn’t tell the causes of this ADHD on his son because some of the cases caused by smoking or drinking mother but she was not one of them.
Next, Debbie said that treatment began by taking a stimulant medication so that he could concentrate in school. She keeps working with him during school breaks and supports him in participating sports activities. She also prepares meals that are less sugar but healthy nutrition for him. She did mention that it was no side effects for taking the medication. It enables him to slow down and be able to think thoroughly and develop thinking skill thus paying attention.
Phelps’ family work together in helping Debbie’s medication and treatment by dividing tasks like concerning his eating habits and time management issues. During the treatment, Michael was allowed to make his own choice to choose what activities to do to full use his time wisely.
Besides, she also shared Michael’s feeling toward the medication for his ADHD; she said he was once refused to take it. Debbie first let the doctor talk to him about the medication’s benefits on him then let him make his own decision whether to take it or not. On the other side, he also started to be active in the

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