Death Of A Salesman Research Paper

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A Failing Façade Arthur Miller wrote his landmark play, Death of a Salesman, in 1948, during a time when American social values were at the mercy of popular American myths; whereas the American public believed that the measure of success was based on how much money one earned. Everyday people live their lives to please others; constantly attempting to live up to other people’s expectations in hope of gaining acceptance, only to find that they have exposed themselves to scrutiny and criticism, leaving both parties angry, disappointed, and hurt. Moreover, we see this within families. Parents want their children to have a better life than what they had, so parents over-magnify their children’s successes and dismiss their shortcomings only to …show more content…

Unfortunately, Willy must face the truth that Biff is thirty-four years old and has drifted from job to job and has no real purpose in life, or at least he is nothing for Willy to brag about. Biff begins to recognize that Willy has neglected to instill any real work ethic in him and blames his father for his station in life by stating, “And I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could never stand taking orders from anybody! That’s whose fault it is!” (1036). Additionally, Biff declares, “I stole myself out of every good job since high school!”, which could be caused by Willy not disciplining Biff when he stole the basketballs or encouraging his boys to steal raw building materials from a local job site (1036). Here, “Biff now realizes, his self was stolen by his inherited, shame-ridden sense of identity. He never had a chance to see himself outside his father’s point of view” (Ribkoff). This illustrates Biff coming to terms with how he was raised, and his father neglected to instill a strong work ethic in him. Biff recognizes that he is not an exemplary individual and is fine with it however, Willy goes to great lengths to conceal who he really is. He lies to his wife Linda that he’s sold more merchandise than he actually did. He lies to his sons that he’s well known and liked in New England, and he lies to …show more content…

Willy is feeling the pressure build up as Biff exposes the truth. “Let’s hold onto the facts tonight, Pop. We’re not going to get anywhere bullin’ around” (1021). Here, Biff is finally exposing the truth and it makes Willy uncomfortable, yet he still hopes that Biff can bring him good news regarding his meeting with Bill Oliver. Willy announces that he was fired and states, “I’m looking for a little good news to tell your mother” (1021). Willy at this point doesn’t care if Biff tells him the truth or a lie, he is simply looking for some positive news, however the reality is gradually becoming clearer and the lies Willy has lived for so many years is finally being exposed. “Such dreams can never be fulfilled as long as they are based on lies. While the dream is maintained, it may grant strength, but as soon as reality intrudes, the dream is shattered and lays the dreamer open to harsh disillusionment” (Abbotson). Biff continues to play along until he finally forces himself to accept

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