Death Monologue

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The harsh bite of the water sends shivers through my entire body, I continue walking in an almost robotic fashion, one foot in front of the other.
“Death”, such a simplistic word.
It does nothing to capture the true essence of the moment.
The sheer terror and unrivalled sorrow one experiences, the crushing feeling of despair that can be felt resonating in every one of your cells’.
No, to generalise such an intrinsically complex array of emotions and senses under the simple term of “Death” is an injustice to the experience.
The freezing water envelopes my entire lower body, nerve and muscle desperately try to conserve heat, I begin to loose feeling in my legs.
My mind begins to wander, memories of all the experiences and emotions that led me to this point violently rush past me as If I were a lonesome tree being torn and pulled at in raging rapids. The constant “harmless” insults, an immense …show more content…

Air escapes my body as I sink through the water into the reapers arms.
Having little to no friends in which I could socialise and relate to in my life, led to me spending a large portion of my time reading, this was how I was supposedly introduced in to what would soon develop into a called “detached, apathetic” personality. My parents and teachers began to become worried as I spent less and less time with them but they blew it off thinking I was just going through some hormone phase, in reality I just didn’t want to bother talking with people who constantly mock and attempt to control me.
As I grew increasingly detached from the outside world It became clear to me how much the way in which I think and act was influenced by the societal systems in which I existed, I eventually came to the conclusion that my sense of independence and idiosyncrasy were simply delusions planted by people in attempt to keep control over the

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