Death In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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“Neither can live while the other survives,” a quote from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, inversely describes the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. After meeting each other in the Capulet’s party were so infatuated with each other that they felt the would surely die if faced with the others death. Not only were they prepared to face death themselves or kill themselves for their love, but would kill if it meant being with the other one (Act I-V). In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, death is a very important and common theme. Sleep is usually a natural way to die. Even though nobody physically died in the play, Shakespeare toyed with the idea in it. In Act IV Scene iii, Juliet contemplated about the true intent of Friar Lawrence’s sleeping draught. She wondered whether or not the potion would actually put her to sleep or kill her instead. Other types of natural death are also used in Romeo and Juliet. Death is not necessarily a physical experience. Romeo feels a death for his love for a girl named Rosaline in Scene I. Dying peacefully does not mean dying naturally. Both Romeo and Juliet died peacefully, but both died in a particularly violent manner. Romeo after he sees what he thinks is his dead wife, drinks a fast-acting poison. Romeo then …show more content…

The first death that actually happened in the play was the death of Mercutio. Immediately following his death Tybalt dies at the hand of Romeo. Both died due to stab wounds, which is a violent way to die (Act III, Scene i). Those two weren't the only ones to die by unnatural means. Paris also got into a fight with Romeo and died by Romeo's hand near the Capulet’s mausoleum (Act V, Scene iii). Potions also play a key role in the play contributing to death. The potion Juliet used could have lead to her death, or her death/sleep (Act III, Scene iii). Romeo’s potion, on the other hand, had a definite function; speedy death (Act V, Scene

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