Death By Landscape By Margaret Atwood Analysis

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The short stories “Medicine” by Lu Xun and “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood both have a mysterious forces in the stories. This means that there are similar forces in both, however, the forces in each do have different effects. These invisible powers will either give someone a sense of hope or a sense of fear. Even though these effects could be good or bad, the forces impact one another and some forces give strong emotions towards someone. While one may see a force having a positive effect another may see the side of it being a negative effect.

Even though “Medicine” and “Death by Landscape” are different stories, one invisible force that is common between the two is the feeling of guilt. Near the end of part three in “Medicine”, Greybeard feels …show more content…

Fear will always be with a person especially when trying something new. Both stories use the invisible force of fear, but both will have different effects on an individual or individuals. Near the end of part two in “Medicine”, Little Chuan took the black object and opened it up carefully letting “a jet of white vapour escaped”. Little Chuan and his family are fearful of him dying and try any type of medicine to survive. Even though Little Chuan does not want to die, the vapour symbolizes hope and a new life for him, thus making the fear of death positive because he will not be alone and God will look out for him in his new life. This allows his family to not worry anymore and be at peace. The different impact of fear is shown in “Death by Landscape” when, “Lois feels as if an invisible rope has broken” (Atwood 4). The invisible force of fear is different because Lois feels as if life is predictable and that someone or something will always hold one back from doing anything exciting. Therefore, the force of fear in “Medicine” is a sign of relief but in “Death by Landscape” it is a sign of holding back and restraining

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