Death And Afterlife In The Bible

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Throughout history, the concept of death and an afterlife has always been present regardless of the culture or religion. It has also been very influential in literature and other writings. In the epic poem The Odyssey, by Homer, there is a portrayal of the Greek beliefs of the afterlife. The Bible addresses this theme as well in the gospel of Matthew. Between these two works, there are noticeable differences about the beliefs of death due to the different cultures in which they were written. Despite the many variations, there are some slight similarities regarding the afterlife. Although the two writings were composed in different cultures and time periods, the notions of an afterlife in each piece can be easily related.
Most cultures generally share a universal belief that there is some form of an afterlife. In the gospel of Matthew, the idea of life after death is shown through the teachings of Jesus. Since Jesus is considered to be the Son of God, he preaches that once the body of a human has died, their soul continues to live on. Although they are physically dead on Earth, the spirit of the person moves on to the next life. Jesus says to his followers “I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29). His Father’s kingdom refers to the notion of heaven, where all souls gather after their death on Earth. The Christian belief in the gospel of where the soul goes after death is very different from the Greek view portrayed by Homer.
The view of death in The Odyssey is similar in some ways to the Christian depiction. There is still the belief that the physical body remains on Earth while the soul continues into the afterlife. ...

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...e similarities. The Odyssey reflects the views and beliefs of the Greek culture during the time of Homer. There is the idea that all souls are sent to the underworld after their mortal body has died. In the gospel of Matthew, the teachings of Jesus are used to portray the afterlife. He tells his disciples that they will all be together in the Kingdom of God after they die. The afterlife discussed in the Bible is based more on belief and faith. There is so much uncertainty in the Christian religion, so the people just have to believe that there is an afterlife. This is different from the tangible underworld that Odysseus visited in The Odyssey. Both the writings of Matthew and The Odyssey depict the cultures in which they were written. Matthew discusses the views of the emerging Christian faith, while Homer uses his work to display the ancient Greek culture.

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