Deadbeat Parents Essay

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Dead Parents
“A father pleads guilty to owing 1.2 million dollars in child support, Instead of just paying the money he owed or making payment arrangements he flees the country”(Man Pleads, par. 1). Some fathers are will to do anything to get out of paying child support for their Children. Deadbeat Parents, most commonly fathers, should be forced to pay help take care of the children they created by paying child support and being their life.
When a father is will to flee the country just to get out of paying child support theRobert Sand, 50, admitted to relocating from New York to Florida and then fleeing the country after arrest warrants in 2000 and 2002 were issued, according to Loretta. E. Lynch, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York” (Man Pleads, par .3). Some parents want to deal with their responsibilities in life. “Today, the defendant has admitted to abandoning his responsibilities to the children he helped bring into this world, and to leaving the country to do so," Lynch said” (Man Pleads, par .9). Sand faces up to 4 years imprisonment for child support. In these situations the child still loses out on a father. Robert Sands is the perfect example of the severity of this problem.
Another example of this problem is the fathers that do not have a job and are not looking for one. “Go to family court and you'll find a indigent dads, with no job and no lawyer, being taken away in handcuffs because they a could not pay the child support that they owed” (Supreme Court, par. 3) "Because the mother of his child receives welfare for a point of time, she initially had to sign her right to child support to the state, which automatically went to court whenever Turner was in arrears" (Supreme Court, par. 6)....

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...their children in the first year after the split and in future years. The best solution in Karen Stewart Opinion to take a stand and say enough is enough. "I’m not just here to pay out money, I love my Children as much as their mother does and I recognize that I am as important in their mom is” (Jayson, par. 12). The problem shouldn’t just live on the backs of the father single mother have to be will to coexist and co-parent with the fathers. Mothers should not just expect for the father to give the child support and be through with the situation.
When a father believes and realizes it is his responsibilities not just pay child support, but to also be part of his child’s life the we will be able to put a end to all of the debt and waste tax payers money on housing these Deadbeat parents in jail if fathers were more willing to be in their child’s life the deadbeat

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