De-Cluttering My Life

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De-Cluttering Your Life to Create a Happy and Contented Existence The outward acquiring of "stuff" is not what is required for you to live an extraordinary life. Those are just "status" making "stuff". Living an extraordinary life has to start from within you. Don't think that because you don't have a big house, a nice car, gorgeous designer clothes that your life is a failure. None of those things brings happiness and contentment. Those are the things people acquire to impress people that they really don't like. Why waste that kind of money to impress people who also may not really and honestly care about you? Your life has far more meaning and those "stuff" don't bring anything special to your life. Matter-of-fact, those things just brings …show more content…

I can't be the Goddess that I am if my life is cluttered, unhappy and I have feelings of discontent. That means that I need to go within myself to see what thoughts, feelings and beliefs I have that is causing my feelings of discontent. I don't wait for the future to happen before I can feel happy. That is living life from the outside-in. I find that when I live my life from the inside-out by going internally to clean out all the left over toxic emotions, start to be loving to myself and begin to full up on self-love, I become stronger, my life becomes simplified and I begin to feel lighter and less weighed down.

I know that who I am now is who will create the future of my life. Therefore, I take the time every day to check in with myself to see how I'm feeling about myself, where I am in my life and if I'm liking where I am. That is not something I could do if I was constantly looking to acquire more "stuff" in my external life. Every few months I go through my apartment and I donate things that I no longer have any use for, things that I don't use or things that does not create a good energy in my space. I'm always seeking ways to de-clutter and simplify my living so that I can better hear the internal messages of my …show more content…

Doing this will put you in direct mastery over yourself. Don't wait for others to change their behaviour before you align you with you. Take back directorship over your life and work on decluttering and simplifying your space and your energy so that you can begin operating from a very powerful and centered Self. How can you declutter your space and your energy? Well, you can begin by cleaning out your closets, clean out the night stands, clean out any space in your home that has acquired too much "stuff". Do you still use that handbag, wear that outfit, perfumes, jewelry, etc.? You don't have to undertake that task all at once. Do a little bit of clearing at a time. See how much lighter you begin to feel when you clean out even one small space. The more you declutter your internal world, the more your external world will clean up thus making your world lighter and happier. The more you start to declutter your external world is the more your internal worlds is freed

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