Daylight And Architecture: The Importance Of Natural Light In Architecture

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Most of the literature relevant to the subject of natural light in architecture falls into a few general categories. These include technical day lighting manuals, studies of effects of light (or lack of it) on people, or historical investigations of architectural elements.
Daylight and architecture have always been linked. Daylight has played an important role in the lighting of buildings since the very beginning. Daylight is vital not only for sight but also for effect it has on us and living environment. Looking at it from a biological point of view, daylight is for existence of all life. Humans are diurnal animals. Our circadian rhythm is governed by the alternating presence and absence of daylight.
When humans evolved to constructing early buildings, they sought to reinforce the connection with the outside world by positioning primitive openings and windows. These purpose-built apertures provided not only access to daylight and fresh air but also a symbolic interface between inside and outside. Furthermore, they attuned human dwelling habits to the daily rituals of living and to sleep-wake cycles, synchronizing the rhythms of light to the twenty-four hour cycle. Given this fundamental symbiosis between humans and daylight, the language of architecture has exploited the interplay between the built environment and the naturally-lit interior. Architecture has become adept at maximizing the comfort-giving qualities of light, emphasizing the visual focus and connection, whilst contributing to the sense of well-being. Architecture’s objective has been to capture, enhance and articulate daylight using the building’s components to filter, reflect, mediate and redirect light.
As human civilization has expanded from individually disper...

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...ium through which other visual information is brought to us. I mean, shadows, projection of image, images of landscape or whatever it may be – obviously light is always a component of that information transmission. Using light to create a different reality from what is actually outside the building is one of the things I am quite interested in. The window does not have to have a direct correlation to what is immediately outside it. There is a way to construct a view, and the perception of a different reality that exists outside the window. I think the key to connecting to nature in the built- residential environment is views or the way shadows and imagery can be actively brought into a living or workspace. Think of all the dark apartments and row houses in all the cities of the world that could benefit from this. And there will only be more of them in the future."

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