Daycare Workers Contribution

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A fourth group that I affiliated with was my coworkers from the daycare I worked at. I worked in a preschool room that was full of four-year old’s. People who do not work with children would not be able to understand how much energy these children can have and why we love our job. The people I work with shared the same passion for children that I have. Knowing how much we love children can affect our ability when it comes to issues involving children. As child care workers, we want to do what we think is right for our students. Personally, getting to know the children that we care for can influence the decisions we make about them. For example, if one of your students is in an abusive home, as teachers, we want to make the right decision for them. People outside of the child care group do not understand how much effort and energy goes into teaching these children. Many parents drop their children off thinking that their child is just eating napping and playing. They think that their child knowing something new is like magic. Some parents believe that children learn by themselves as they get older and do not realize that daycare providers are teaching them various activities over and over, so they can remember and build on a skill. After working with this group of teachers, I will forever look at people working in different proffecions as unknowledgeable about child development.

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