Day Of The Dead Research Paper

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The Spanish traditional holiday of Day of the Dead, may look like a lot like it’s English counterpart, Halloween, they are actually extremely different. From the origins to the reason there are skeletons, Day of the Dead and Halloween are both unique in their own special ways.

Let’s start off with something pretty simple, the past. The origins of Halloween dates back to the Celtics celebration Samhain. This was a festival where people lit fires and dressed up in costumes to ward of ghosts, and evil spirits. This tradition was eventually passed down to the Romans who took over the Celtics and made it all hallows Eve. It was the same idea, to scare away the spirits, and then on November 1st they celebrated All Saints day in which they celebrated all saints. On the other hand Dia de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead, came from the early 1500s which it originated from all souls day. Dia de los Muertos was the exact opposite reason of celebration, nothing like all hallows eve. Dia de los Muertos celebrates the dead instead of trying to scare them away. As you can see, the origins of Dia de los Muertos and Halloween are completely different. …show more content…

On Halloween skeletons are used to scare people and to be used as props in movies. They are not associated with anything upbeat or happy. On the other hand las calacas are happy and kind of weird looking but they are colorful and happy. Many people take part in the tradition of dressing up like skeletons to invite their deceased loved ones

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