David Zinczenko's 'Don T Blame The Eater'

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In David Zinczenko’s article “Don’t Blame the Eater” he explains the dangers of eating at fast food chains. Zinczenko starts off by talking about the popular news headline of parents suing fast food chains for making their children obese. Zinczenko then goes on to describe that he does have some empathy for these families because he, himself, used to be one of those obese children. He explained how busy his family used to be and how affordable it is to eat from these fast food chains. In his later life, he joined the Navy Reserves and lost all the weight he had gained and learned about the better food and the better nutrition to put into his body. Zinczenko, however, did know that not all kids were this lucky to fall out of this eating pattern. Following the story of his life, Zinczenko stated statistics of type 2 diabetes in children from before 1994 until now. Most of these stats are quite shocking to realize. After that Zinczenko then went on to explain how fast food chains do not display the nutrition facts on their food. They do provide them on their websites, or will provide them at the fast food chain if requested. Nevertheless, Zinczenko explains that the information is falsely given. These places will hide facts, and make it seem like their food is not bad when the calories are twice as much as the preconceived notions that commonplace consumers believe.

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