David Sedaris Tasteless Analysis

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David Sedaris Tasteless is an essay full of humor and imagery. In this piece of his, he shows the reader a lot about who he is and how he views himself as a person when it comes to eating. I feel that he obviously has a sense of humor, but may be a little self-deprecating at times. He also seems to live a simple, carefree lifestyle. The overall vibe of the essay is rather sad, but there are some uplifting moments. As much as he plays around, realistically, there is usually always a little truth behind every joke.
He begins his work with positive energy. Sedaris says, “Taste buds paved beneath decades of tar will spring back to life, and an entire sense will be restored.” (30.) As optimistic as that sounds, he flips the script and discusses how quitting his bad habit didn’t do as promised. Even as a little boy, he still lacked appreciation for his food. He continues to head down this negative path as the …show more content…

I found this amusing because the imagery here left me no other option but to picture him as a panda sweating off the weight, turning him back into a human. In contrast, I feel as though I am a healthy eater. But it is still refreshing to know he can laugh at his own flaws, just as I can.
Even though he pokes fun at himself throughout the narrative, I think Sedaris is very in touch with who he is. I feel as if maybe he eats to pass the time, like a hobby of some sort. Through his writing, he makes it enjoyable to read about his eating ways with the language and humor. Overall, the way he doesn’t care about the way food tastes, yet he continues to cook for himself a lot, and the way he feels about food and his anxiety to go without, are all why he may treat food in this manner. Nonetheless, it was a great

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