David Koresh: Cult Leader

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Leadership can come from all different places and can manifest in many kinds of people. Many great leaders bring about positive change, but not all powerful leaders are good people. Notably, leaders of cults have continuously risen to a high state of power despite all the wrong reasons. David Koresh stands out as one of the most influential cult leaders. David Koresh was able to form such a strong following by instilling fear in his followers using abusive methods, manipulation, and having his followers adhere to strict rules; by using these leadership tactics David was able to remain in control and keep those around him too afraid to leave (Kingston 1). A large contribution to Koresh’s success as a leader was his ability to instill fear. …show more content…

David saw himself as a person in charge and knew he could mold those around him into doing what he wanted. He claimed God spoke to him and he was the only one who was capable of understanding the scripture. David sees people as tools to use for his personal gains and mission from God (Pearson 1). David claimed all of his children were “special” and were born with the light and the message of God (Pearson 1). Koresh had manipulated his followers into thinking they were a part of something greater and God placed them there for a …show more content…

Doctrines that were found from the Branch Davidians said things such as all females in the commune belong to Koresh, Koresh is Jesus Christ, and Koresh is the only one who can interpret the scripture (CRI Statement 1). Bible classes would be held daily for long periods of time extending from ten to eighteen hours. Men were also kept segregated from women and were not able to be married, have sex, or have children. By sticking to a strict system of rules David made sure there was no room for second thoughts or disobedience. People were already eager to follow David he just had to make sure there was no room for

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