David George Expedition

812 Words2 Pages

Alyssa Cuevas
David George’s Expedition Towards Christianity
David George, a significant person in religious history, was born in 1742 in Essex County, Virginia. He was the son of two African slaves John and Judith. As a young slave, David would fetch water and pick cotton with age he progressed to join the adults in the tobacco and cornfields. His master was a very bad towards his slaves ; George faced many violent situations growing up. He witnessed his mother and brother being beaten. Their slave owner would whip them up to 500 times, after receiving lashes salt and water would be whipped in with a rag. David had also been whipped, “till the blood has run down over my waistband”(Sanneh). George’s greatest grief was watching his mother be beaten and hearing her begging for his mercy. In 1762, at the age of nineteen, driven away by his master he ran away into the ownership of George Galphin in South Carolina. Under new ownership, George now faced a spiritual pace of life for the rest of his life.
David’s life began to focus on his inner soul when he met an African American preacher by the name of Cyrus. Cyrus confronted David with an excerpt from the gospel “dark night of the soul”; the word had awoken David’s conscious. David married a slave by the name of Phillis and began a family. George was then influenced by another black slave , he began to attend religious services held by a black pastor named George Liele. David was eventually baptized by Brother Palmer, also known as Reverend Wait Palmer. During Liele’s sermon he preached, “Come unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”(White). Following the sermon, George approached Liele and spoke to him about feeling overworked and heavy. He also...

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...ich he knew he was not ready for and feared for his personal safety.
David George was born into slavery and faced severe situations under his owner from watching his brother and mother be beaten and being painfully beaten himself. George was brave enough to take the risk of running away and found himself under new ownership, where he was able to explore his religious views. A man named Cyrus who inspired him to attend religious services changed him and by Liele’s sermon David was quickly inspired to follow the gospel. David continued to preach within churches, but continued to face obstacles because he was baptizing whites. His brave efforts to continue to preach drove him to continue to get beaten, this did not stop him from continuing to preach the Lord’s word. David George was a brave man who served as a key figure in the history of the Black Baptist Church.

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