Daughter Of Demeter Analysis

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When I feel sad the plants die. When I am happy the plants live. This could only mean one thing I am the daughter of Demeter. I walked through the farmers field. Most of the crops are dead. They were brown and crunchy. I bent down to pick one, as I did the field burst with color. That’s when I realized I am the daughter of a demigod. I believe I am the daughter of Demeter. I believe this because I have the power of farming, I suffer from depression, and I love children.To start, I have the ability to make dead things grow again. On www.goddess-power.com/demeter.htm , it states, “Demeter's powers are agriculture, Earth, fertility, grows fruits and various grains, and makes the crops grow.” The passage from “ goddess- power” states one of Demeter’s powers are …show more content…

I reached for it and it died. I went home and became happy I came back with water and water the plant. I touched the dead wild flower and it sprung to life. Yesterday, I went to the doctor and found out I have depression problems. On www.greekmythology.com , it states, “Demeter is a goddess that suffers from depression after her daughter Persephone was taken by Hades. The quote tells us that Demeter suffers from depression. I also suffer from depression. It’s a good piece of evidence because maand my goddess both suffer from depression. Which leads to more reason on why I am a halfblood.Since, I have been babysitting I found out I love children. On www.slideshare.net , it states, “Demeter is a loving mother. It was believed she controlled the life cycle. The quote tells me she is a loving mother and I love babysitting. By babysitting I treat the kids like my own. It’s a good piece of evidence because, I babysit and she is a caring mother. This tells me we have three things in common known as powers. Clearly, I am the daughter of Demeter because I come close to having all the same powers as her. Demeter and I have the powers to grow crops, depression, and be a loving

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