Darwinism versus Creationism

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There is a difference between Darwinism and Creationism, one is based on data and the other is based on belief. Darwinism concerns itself as a science, that is explained by scientific methodology. Biological evolution concerns changes in living things during the history of life on earth. It explains that living things share common ancestors and over time evolutionary change gives rise to new species. On the other hand, the ideas of creation science is derived from the conviction of most Abrahemic religions that God created the universe-including humans and other living things-all at once in the relatively recent past. Creationists say that creatures started out as distinct and separate organisms when God created them and they do not believe that organisms change into complete differently and distinct animals through evolution. For example, Creationists do not believe that single-celled organisms evolved into more complex plants and animals, finally evolving into Homo Sapiens. Even though creationism is not a scientific theory, Creationists are using scientific evidence in supporting their argument that Darwinism can not be proven scientifically based on the fact that Darwinism goes against creationism. Besides criticizing evolution, Creationists are seeking scientific evidence of their own, to support the creation account in Genesis.

They only problem with this is that Creationists are crossing the boundaries between religion and science by trying to entwine these two origins which isn't an effective pairing because religion doesn't require proof but science does. Scientists are now doing the same because at first they were staying into their own realm but it after posing that the theory of evolution can be scientifically proven, scientists are going against the Bible. Therefore, scientists are also crossing the boundary.

Creation science, which is a belief that God created the Earth and all the creatures in it, is not science because creation by God or another divinity does not give concrete scientific explanation of life's origin. Rather, it is an explanation consistent with their beliefs that an intelligent creator, God, exists and created the universe. Creationists try to verify this concept and other Biblical stories by evaluating on scientific grounds. Geologists, for instance, used to try to explain all the earth's geological features in terms of Noah's Flood.

It has been said that no book other than the Bible has had a greater effect on Western society than Charles Darwin's Origin of Species.

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