Dark Romanticism And Transcendentalism

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In the 1800’s the period of the Dark Romantics was focused on the dark side of the human mind. This started because of the Transcendentalist. These Transcendentalists were people who believed that religious and political parties corrupt people’s purity. They also believed that people were better of being independent and this would form the best community. In American women started to notice the unfair treatment of men and women when people lived in cities and worked in the factories and this started the Suffrage movement. There was also another movement during the nineteenth century and this was the Lyceum movement. This movement was about how important American education is. Both of these movements caused America some problems but also slavery was another issue that was going on because pilgrims were coming to America for freedom. They wanted freedom of religion and freedom of land and they were called Puritans. Religion became first to them in all aspects and came before the law. Two popular writers in this time period were Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville and the greatly influenced this era. Many of their pieces reflected nature such as the ocean overpowering man. In many of their journeys the sea was powerful and destructive which was something that man could not defeat.
Two pieces by Edgar Allen Poe, “Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym” and “Manuscript Found in a Bottle” were written during the Dark Romantics period. A piece written by Herman Melville called “Far Off-Shore” was also wrote at this time. Men are strong and powerful human being’s, but can they be defeated? Nature is unpredictable, can strike at any time, and can occur at several different strengths. A man can’t shoot a tornado to defend themselves all they can d...

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...estructive when the nature of a strong storm occurs.
Men are strong and powerful human being’s, but does nature defeat them? In all through these three pieces that Edgar Allen Poe and Herman Melville wrote it is proven that nature is stronger than man. It is shown that in every aspect that nature is too over powering for man to handle. The factor of nature being strong, dangerous and unpredictable at the same time is too much for any man or any manmade object to overcome. The power of nature does defeat man in every way; it cannot be stopped or slowed down no matter what is done to prepare for it. When people think of man, they think of carefree living with no problems other than other human beings, but truth to be told, the power of nature is what is in control and will always be in control as long as man remains alive on this powerful and unpredictable planet.

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