Daoist Analysis

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As modern views and understandings of life are reshaped by scientific discoveries, the natural and universal perspective of Daoist thought can still be well fitted to accommodate our modern scientific view of reality. These drawn out spiritual and scientific similarities have spurred interest and curiosity into these historically practiced traditions. This ideological shift in scientific approach is supported by these Swinburne University researchers in biophysical methods and theories of complexity explaining their view and conclusion of the correct paths to scientific practice through Daoist approaches; “Processes were recognized as having their own dynamics, rather than being explicable through their components or external agents… tendency …show more content…

Carl Jung, one of the leading figures in modern psychology, a contemporary and collaborator of Sigmund Freud and his widely influential psychoanalytic theories, saw this versatile world view of oppositions and dependencies in relation to our consciousness and abstractly stated …show more content…

This also comes to many’s disbelief as arising out of logically deduced and seemingly abstract mathematical laws. At the turn of the 20th century, Einstein in his ‘annus mirabilis’, 1905, had developed his well known equation E=mc2, despite being famously known few are able to connect its philosophical implications to the true physical understandings of our reality. By dissecting this equation into its constituent variables, when given m, representing an amount of matter, understood to be the fundamental building block for all of our physical reality, when multiplied by the constant value C2, is equivalent to an amount (and a very large one at that) of E, or universally, energy. This revolutionary scientific insight reshuffled the current socially held physical and metaphysical world perspective by providing a mathematical understanding that the essential level of all things and forces in our universe are interchangeable and substantively the same. This has been a widely held belief for centuries across Daoist thought of the universality in everything in its truly fundamental nature. This always fluctuating and flowing world of interactions is a thoroughly formulated idea in Daoist scriptures as shown here in one of the founding

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