Dante Inferno Analysis

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Dante’s Inferno is the narration told of the life of Dante Alighieri. The narration is done by Dante himself where he explains his life and various encounters. Dante is known for writing various stories and poems which he did after he was exiled from Florence where he was an ambassador. He had lived a life among the middle class, loved and lost his love to death, and gotten into leadership in Florence. His various experiences in life had caused him to have a distorted view of the purity of the Catholic Church in its indulgence in politics. The terms of the exile demanded that his return would be punishable by death.
One of the most remarkable of the works by Dante is the Divine Comedy that contains several different theme stories. The Inferno …show more content…

All that is explained in the journey through hell explains the actual nature of the human life. In the story, all the inhabitants of the circles of hell are condemned to one form of suffering or the other. The further they move through hell, the worse the circumstances and conditions of the people under torture. That represents the life of the normal human being who is imperfect and feels condemned to doom because of the numerous mistakes made through life and their extent of imperfection. The journey gets uglier with every step and it is nothing but perseverance until they reach the end of hell and they can see paradise from afar. The dates of the journey are from Good Friday to Easter Monday that is influenced by his Christian background and the representation of the death and resurrection of Jesus …show more content…

That is symbolic of the nature of the human life and human beings. All human beings are new to life that only goes once. There is importance in making sound decisions not to get lost in the motions of life forever. The role of God or the Holy Spirit is seen in the guidance by Virgil. All that Dante needs to do is follow the lead of the one that knows much more than him. The use of the holy days to journey through hell in the narration gives the reader the authority to associate some of the events of the journey with spirituality and God. The guidance of Virgil is also legitimate because he leads Dante to the

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