Dante Alighieri Research Paper

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Dante Alighieri was a poet from the 14th century who lived from 1265 to 1321 AD. Dante’s life before and after exile prompted him to write many of the works we know him for today. Dante is one of the great classic poets we think of when we hear poetry, his name sits there besides such great literary masters as Shakespeare and Virgil.
Dante Alighieri was born in 1265 to a low class aristocratic family in Florence, Italy. Although we remember him as Dante, his real name was actually Durante. Not much is known about his life up until he turned nine years old which, if accounts are true, is when he met Bice di Folco Portinari or, if you have read the Divine Comedy, Beatrice. Accounts indicate that at the time of his meeting Beatrice Portinari he was already arranged to marry another Florentine woman by the name of Gemma Donati, who gave him several children (GreatDante.Net). At the time of his marrying Gemma Donati he was also an avid member of Florentine politics. Dante was a member of the political scene of Florence for quite a while. He started this venture by joining a medical corporation in Florence in 1295. He was successful at politics and through the following five …show more content…

Dante refused and when Faggiuola captured took over the city completely he asked for Dante to return and his sentence would be converted to house arrest, but once again Dante refused and chose to remain in exile. Dante’s death sentence was then stretched to include his sons as well (PoemHunter.Com). Dante remained in exile and went to stay with Prince Guido Novello da Polenta in Ravenna. It is here that he finished his greatest influential work, “La Divina Comedia” or “The Divine Comedy”. Dante Alighieri died in the year 1321 at the age of 56 while returning to Ravenna from Venice. He is buried in Ravenna in the Church of San Pierre Maggiore, now called San Francesco.

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