Daniel Levinson's Comprehensive Adult Development Theory

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The Concept of Life Structure

Daniel Levinson's comprehensive adult development theory conveys the soul factor that an individual continues well throughout late adulthood. This theory portrays that an individual's life structure is based upon their social and physical environment, and is considered to contain two essential concepts.

♦ Each stage will always have an ending point to start a new; these Transitional Periods can be either steady or complicated. Commitments made at the beginning of a stage may change throughout the course of said stage.

♦ The point in time where an individual will constitute crucial choices is known as the Stable Period.

Levinson conceived 6 different stages in his theory.

♂ (Ages: Birth-22 yrs.) Preadulthood: …show more content…

As I am just a mere 20 years old, I am convinced there is still some forms of transitions that I will undergo. I am not entirely sure that it was my personality that aided in my interactions with my personal environment, but perseverance definitely presented a portrayal in times of adversity. As a child, I underwent several forms of abuse making it a bit difficult to develop how a child should. I took care of my three brothers from 8 years old until I was 15; creating more responsibility than any child should ever have to take upon. After bouts with drug and alcohol abuse, (aided through my parental figures) I was finally attuned to who I was. I moved out when I was 17 years old, and have been keen along with my environment. There are details that I have and most likely forever will leave …show more content…

♂ (Ages: 33 yrs.- 40yrs.) Culminating Life Structure for Early Adulthood ("Settling Down"): Implementing a societal niche; accomplishments with a family, career, as well as more complex demands-- such as parenting.

♂ (Ages: 40yrs. - 45yrs.) Midlife Transition: Seeking direction through times of crisis as well as value; expression towards more slighted aspirations and expressions are sought out. (These may include: talents and desires) Awareness of the nearing of death may begin to sprout in an individual's mind as a reminder of the shortness of life.

♂ (Ages: 45yrs.-50yrs.) Entry Life Structure for Middle Adulthood: New life structures are formed in this period; said to be the most gratifying time of one's life.

Other transitions:

♂ (Ages: 50yrs.- 55yrs.) Age-50 Transition: A majority of men encounter crisis as they begin acknowledging the different paths to further carry out for the rest of their lives. (Basically, planning for the future)

♂ (Ages: 55yrs.- 60yrs.) Culminating Life Structure for Middle Adulthood: Consummate their life structure framework; period of enlightenment and fulfillment.

♂ (Ages: 60yrs- 65yrs.) Late Adult Transition: Late adulthood preparations are made at this

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