Dangerous reconstruction

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Once the last bullet was fired and the remaining slaves were freed, there arose a problem that was so big that the way the United States responded to it could alter race relations in the country for many years. The once thriving Southern economy under slavery had been completely ripped apart by the scars of war and it was up to the current president and congress to help restore it to its former state of economic prosperity. This period of American history is known as reconstruction and soon after the murder of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson the vice president was thrust into the spotlight and he architected what is known as Presidential reconstruction. Raised in a relatively poor southern white household, Andrew Johnson developed a prejudice against newly freed African American’s because he saw them as a threat to poor Southern Whites, this was later revealed through his stubbornness in office, his economic policies and the laws he tried to pass in office. Andrew Johnson grew up in a home that was less than ideal for raising a child, born in Raleigh, North Carolina to a Jacob Johnson and Mary McDonough. Andrew experienced the sting of poverty at an early age of 3, when his father died and his family was plunged into poverty. The youngest of three children Johnson had to teach himself how to read and write “ Unlike the children of he rich, he never had a day of schooling in his life: his mother was too poor to afford it”. From an early age Johnson his mother would work as a seamstress and she barely made any money along with his stepfather who was a local Taylor. As the years went on he started to feel the sting of prejudice from upper class white Americans. In Johnson’s teenage years in Raleigh the son of John Daveraux a ric... ... middle of paper ... ...ended Andrew Johnson was thrust into the spotlight as president when Abraham Lincoln was murdered. A man from a relatively poor upbringing he developed a dislike for newly freed African Americans because of the way they were affecting poor southern whites, And Due to this he would fight laws meant to help African Americans, and enacted economic reforms and being “concrete” with his policies. Johnson created an environment where he could have blacks be slaves without the title of slavery. His fight against the civil rights or any tights for freemen were extensive and continued on for his whole presidency and I see him as one of the biggest reasons why civil rights did not take place a lot earlier in the United States. Thousands of people murdered and thousands of homes destroyed the post civil war South got the angel they prayed for Andrew Johnson became president!

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