Dancing Skeletons Chapter Summary

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I. Title: Dancing Skeletons: Life and Death in West Africa, 20th Edition. Author: Katherine A. Dettwyler Selection of Book: There were numerous purposes and objectives as to why I chose to read this particular anthropology manuscript of all the various other options available. For one, I selected this book initially due to the title of the book. “Dancing Skeleton” was the portion of the title that primarily stuck out to me, and made me imagine African children – who we see on commercials all the time in third world countries, which tend to look malnourished all throughout their adolescents – dancing around with skin-wrapped skeletal bones. Personally, for me, seeing children suffering from malnourishment and starvation must be one of the most unbearably agonizing pains a child can go through, not to mention the suffering of a mother having to watching her child gradually starve to death. I was additionally very much interested in understanding precisely what other individuals in different parts of the world and specifically Mali, are lacking that is affecting their health and well-being so noticeably. Furthermore, I was especially interested is reading informal stories and accounts through the eyes of the author about conducting specified field research on infant feeding and the importance of children …show more content…

Cultures: The people and cultures that are discussed throughout the book of Dancing Skeleton, are that of both the peri-urban and rural Bambara culture of Malians. Bambara culture is closely related to the Mandinka of other West African countries, such as Tamasheq, or Tuareg, often called the Blue Men of the Desert (camel herders and caravaners), Fulani (nomadic pastoralists), Dogon (settlements along the Bandiagara escarpment in Northeastern Mali), and Bozo (fisherman of Niger River). These are the many diverse cultures and ethnicities within the country of Mali, but the primary culture researched and studied using fieldwork by the author was Bambara

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