Dallas County Voters League (DCVL): A Case Study

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The Dallas County Voters League also known as (DCVL) was started in Alabama by C.J. Adams. C.J. served as Dallas County’s black adviser in the mid-1920s to help African American register to vote. After years of being arrested by police C.J. was forced to move to Detroit in 1948. After his departure Sam Boynton and his wife Amelia took over as the (DCVL) leader, and president of the NAACP for Selma. The DCVL had a small, loyal membership, including a dental hygienist Marie Foster and, teacher James Gilder sleeve and F.D. Reese. Their mission was to overcome discrimination, and to work with local Government to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. This law would give the Justice Department more power to fight voter registration discrimination,

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