Daisy's Ambition In The Great Gatsby

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Author Belva Plain once said, “How helpless we are, like netted birds, when we are caught by desire!” This quote is greatly represented in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. A man named Gatsby is trapped by the love of his life, and he attempts to do anything possible in order for her to be with him. Gatsby’s desire for attention illustrates that Fitzgerald would agree that people often become trapped by their desires. Gatsby was willing to give up all of his morals to get what he wants. He turns to lying and being involved in illegal activities to get wealthy. While at the hotel room with Tom, Nick, Daisy, and Jordan, Tom said, “I found out what your ‘drug stores’ were“ (Fitzgerald 133). Gatsby and his friend Meyer Wolfshiem owned …show more content…

He changed every aspect of his life to what he thought would satisfy Daisy. Jordan and Gatsby talked at one of his parties, after they talked, Jordan exclaimed to Nick, “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 78). Gatsby was obsessed over Daisy; he practically lived for her. He would save pictures of her that he found in newspapers. While Gatsby’s love for Daisy seems genuine, Daisy really only loved him because of his wealth. Daisy has been surrounded by money her whole life, that is part of the reason they were not together now. During Daisy’s first visit to Gatsby’s house, “He took a pile of shirts and began throwing them, one by one, shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine flannel…” (Fitzgerald 78). Gatsby was showing off his wealth to Daisy, and also trying to win her back by showing her what she gave up on. Although many people did not truly know Gatsby they loved him. One thing many people loved about him were his extravagant parties that he gave them up in after getting Daisy back: “It was when curiosity about Gatsby was at its highest that the lights in his house failed to go on one Saturday night-...”(Fitzgerald 113). Everyone knew Gatsby for throwing huge parties with hundreds of people, but after Daisy came back into his life he stopped throwing them so they could have a more private

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