Daily Life During the 1990s

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The 20th century has by far been the most productive and revolutionizing millenium the earth has known. The 1990s was the wrap up period of a fantastic time in history. George H. W. Bush was president, people rocked fanny packs, and we were paying less than $1.50 a gallon for gas. Yes, the 90s are a decade we will never forget.

Food is such an important and tangible relic of history. When we think of different periods we commonly think of the food they ate. In the 1990s quick and easy meals were popular. The microwave was still fairly new and “T.V dinners” were becoming huge! Powdered drinks were also a favorite of many. Moms were a huge fan of fast lunches like lunchables, capri suns, string cheese, and snack foods like goldfish. This also was the beginning of healthier alternatives. Many people were trying organic and fresh choices. It was the beginning of smoothie and juice places. Also more nutritious restaurants like baja fresh. The 1990’s were a new and inventive time for consumers.

The 90s was a new time for hobbyists. The computer world was becoming more accessible for ...

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