Customer Expectations Case Study

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4.2.3 Theme One - Customer Expectation
100% of the respondents understand the value of good customer service and relationship as the way to retain their customers. The finding in the study was that, SMME owners and managers have a drive and understanding on meeting customer needs. Their approaches to customer retention are different but have the same goal that is to meet customer needs. These approaches ranges from, keeping customers happy at all times, providing variety of products or services, reliability, treating them as friends than customers, and partnering with the customers. In contrast to this, SMME stakeholders had a different view when it comes to SMMEs’ customer service and relationship. Both SMME stakeholders agreed that, SMMEs do not keep promises and that impact their relationship with their customers. The problem of failing to keep promises has resulted to customers leaving and finding other service providers. Based on the above argument, SMMEs owners and managers seem to have ways to keep their customers but they might not be working to their advantage. SMMEs stakeholders have confirmed that, SMMEs they lose their customers due to failure in keeping promises. This explains the low demand concern raised by respondent five.
On the other hand, SMMEs owners …show more content…

Wilmot (2012:135) concluded that, meeting customer expectation is vital for the success and growth of SMMEs. Therefore, maintaining good customer service and relationships as well as having a strong commitment to product or service quality has a positive impact in customer retention. According to Dorfman (2007: 28) cited in Wilmot (2012:40), customer satisfaction strategies that can be implemented by SMMEs include, paying attention to customer needs, ensuring that customer are receiving good customer service, and knowing your customer contributes in building the trust that will translated into a long lasting

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