Current Event Essay: The Destruction Of Rainforest

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This current event essay is on the destruction of are rainforests. How they are doing and why. Also what are the affects on the economy it can have. Which is pretty bad, but helpful to some people. These people are called shifted cultivators. There are pretty big cause, but we'll get into that. Then at the end what can an average person do to help this cause. If we keep deforesting rainforest and soon cut down all the trees then we will be in danger of losing our only natural source of clean air. The event, well there's many not just one problem. It happens all the time. Loggers coming in and cutting down trees, it happens all the time. However, do they care? No, they just want money. Therefore, they keep on cutting more and …show more content…

Now the company leaves and these people called shifted cultivators move in. These people are farmers that were kicked off there land by the government that go into the newly cut logging site and make cash crops. The destruction these people have on the woods may even be worse. So to live they come in and cut some trees down. Make a temporal house and use the rest for fire wood. So they cut down as many trees they want and use them. They take there seeds make the crops fast and then make another crop. Soon, the soil will not be good for farming any more because they planted so fast. This also causes erosion that ruins the landscape, soil, and some times goes into water and kills the animals in the water. Another way erosion occurs is when they make large dams they uproot trees with silt that the ground needs to stay firm and then the ground can't hold the water which led to earthquakes. Than after that the environmental damage causes more damage because of the pollution. Miners are pretty bad too. They come in destroy trees and the ground and then they use these big heavy machinery that causes lots of pollution from its exhausts that does damage to the environment. …show more content…

The effects would probably be pretty different. Supply and demand, if we stop cutting down the amount of trees we do than the loggers would want more money and then the selling prices would go up really high and we the people use trees for a lot of reasons. Than only big companies could buy it and make things with it and sell there things. Small businesses that use wood would go out of business. It would be a monopoly, if you have the money you have the control over that business. It would be like the times with Rockefeller but it would be legal because these companies didn't do anything to make the prices go up higher for wood. It's bad for the earth to cut that amount of trees but it could also be bad for are economy (The CAUSES of RAINFOREST

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