Curious About the Toulmin Model?

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Do you know how to use the Toulmin model when writing an argumentative paper? After reading this essay you will not only know how to use the Toulmin model, but also how to use it effectively. The model is relatively easy to use and it can help one to organize his or her paper. James Q. Wilson is one of many writers that utilizes the Toulmin model. In Wilson’s piece, “Just Take Away Their Guns,” it is clear that he chose to use the Toulmin model as a guideline for the organization of the work. I will be walking you through the steps of the Toulmin model in the following paragraphs.
The Toulmin model begins by making a claim. The claim is the main idea of the paper. In other words, the claim is one’s argument. Wilson’s claim states that while there should be more gun control laws, they will not work (Wilson 125). Wilson does not state his claim straight forward. Readers have to read critically to understand what Wilson is claiming. This may be hard for those who do not possess good critical reading skills. Following the claim one must next include his or her stated reasons. The stated reasons are the reasons that one takes the position he or she does on the argument topic. In an argumentative paper there can be a numerous amount of stated reasons. The number of stated reasons in an essay all depends on the writer. Wilson chose to include two stated reasons. His first stated reason as to why more gun controls will not work is, “Legal restraints on the lawful purchase of guns will have little effect on the illegal use of guns” (Wilson 125). Wilson was very straight forward with his first stated reason. His second stated reason was stated differently. Readers would again have to read critically to figure out his second stated reason...

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...Not quite” (Wilson 127). This is a prime example of the conditions of rebuttal used in Wilson’s essay. This is considered a condition of rebuttal because Wilson addresses an objection to his argument, then immediately goes on to state why this objection is invalid. When writing an argumentative essay one must always consider a qualifier. The qualifier limits arguments. There is no qualifier in the essay, “Just Take Away Their Guns,” by James Q. Wilson. All in all, James Q. Wilson wrote a relatively good paper based using the Toulmin model. I hope I was able to successfully explain the Toulmin model to those reading.

Works Cited

Wilson, James Q. “Just Take Away Their Guns.” Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument, with Readings. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. 10th ed. Boston:Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014. 125-28. Print.

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