Culture and Capitalism

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Capitalism is responsible for the economic organization across the globe, as it in influenced mainly by culture. It affects the identity, sense of place, and the connection between how (b)orders distinguish the place of belonging. Culture gives meaning and values to particular goods. Capitalism uses monetary currencies to represent the exchange value of products, as profit is the main goal for corporations. Culture and capitalism both give value to each other, but capitalism is most successful when it is combined with the preferences and values of other cultures in order to make money. A thematic representation of culture and capitalism can be seen in a general layout of a supermarket, as capitalism ruins a true market. The dominant cultural group in a given area will reflect the items available, as corporations will have a higher monetary gain when accommodating the targeted consumer.
The most influential cultural practice of our time is the culture of capitalism, as it is the dominant form of economic organization across the globe (Anderson 2010). Capitalism takes and makes places throughout the globe, leaving traces that affect the commodities we buy, the livings earned, the methods and motives for travelling, and the meanings associated with them (Anderson 2010). The culture of capitalism is based upon trading products, experiences, and services, at all different scales - locally, nationally, or globally. Those who successfully trade products and services, and those who are limited to selling their labour to help other manufacture and provide the desired product often define capitalism. The process of making more money is a key defining element of the culture of capitalism (Anderson 2010).
Capitalism affects our identity, ...

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...talism both give value to each other, but capitalism is most successful when it is combined with the preferences and values of other cultures in order to make money. A thematic representation of culture and capitalism can be seen in a general layout of a supermarket, as capitalism ruins a true market. The dominant cultural group in a given area will reflect the items available, as corporations will have a higher monetary gain when accommodating the targeted consumer. If a corporation targeted the minority cultural group in a certain place, othering would be experienced, as it (b)orders the sense of belonging. Overall, culture controls capitalism, as certain products can obtain a higher meaning to certain people, or groups of people. The dominant society will have a higher control over what products are imported in, as corporations have one main goal of profit gain.

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