Culture Reflection

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When one talks about culture what is the first thought that might pop into one’s mind? Culture is what defines who we all are. It influences a person life on a daily basis considering on how a persons beliefs and values might be. After being in Education 2120, I have started to have a different understanding of what culture really is. We learned about different cultures, ethnicities, race, and other categories that play a factor in everyone’s life. We also learned about how culture changes and adapts in families continuously. Not only have I started to have a different understanding of culture, but I have also begun to have a different form of respect for everyone’s culture. My culture is southern Christian. I am very strong in my southern …show more content…

I will hopefully be able to connect with my students more if I am involved and know special characteristics about each of them. I hope that my family culture will help me to be the type of teacher that is not the “average” teacher. Being southern, I highly value manners and respect for authority. I will expect my students to treat each other kindly as well as show proper respect for those in authority above them. After growing up with a grandfather who “prepares” his farm for harvest, I learned that I will need to do the same with my lessons. In order to grow fruitful and productive students, I will need to take the extra steps to plan the lessons in advance that my students will be learning. I believe that my culture will help me be able to see how everyone’s culture differs family to family. I hope to be a teacher that my students can not only trust, but also most importantly rely on. I want my students to feel this way, because it is a value that my family and myself think highly of. My teaching philosophy will revolve around work ethic. As I have previously stated, work ethic is a major part of my culture and I believe it builds character. Helping my students with their work ethic and pushing them to succeed will also help teach my students about being reliable and honest. I think that in our world today there are a lot of people who do not value these characteristics anymore. I think that middle school education is perfect for me to teach because, I can teach them about a good work ethic, being loyal, as well as trustworthy. I will hopefully make my students feel as though the classroom is a safe place for them to grow, learn, and become their own person. I do not want my students to think that my culture is the only accepted one, but I hope to show them how my culture is so they all are more open minded and able to relate to

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