Culturally Responsive Teaching

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The main purpose of teaching social studies is to aid students in developing the capability to make knowledgeable and logical choices in order to function positively as a member of society where citizens are considered to be diverse and democratic. “This is the value of the teacher, who looks at a face and says there's something behind that and I want to reach that person, I want to influence that person, I want to encourage that person, I want to enrich, I want to call out that person who is behind that face, behind that color, behind that language, behind that tradition, behind that culture. I believe you can do it. I know what was done for me” (Maya Angelou). The essential qualities of a good and effective Social Studies involves more than …show more content…

Gay (2000) defines culturally responsive teaching as using the cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and performance styles of diverse students to make learning more appropriate and effective for them; it teaches to and through the strengths of these students. Consequently it educates students to recognize their own and each other’s' cultural heritages. In order to create culturally responsive students an effective Social Studies teacher can construct learning experiences so that students will able to see how social studies concepts affect their lives or relate to their experiences rather than presenting students with separated sets of …show more content…

If teaching methods and information are not evaluated by Social Studies teachers then his or her job will be no different from a babysitter, stuck in a constant position, and no longer satisfied resulting in the production of below average citizens. Ultimately, times change, viewpoints change, and therefore a good and effective Social Studies teacher must change in order to adapt and remain relevant in the ever-changing world of

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