Cultural Relativism Research Paper

1005 Words3 Pages

Alexander Tyson
March 31, 2014
Philosophical Ethics
Professor Nobis

An Argument for tolerance
I. Introduction
In this paper we will explore the boundaries that support and neglect the ideas of cultural relativism. There are claims in which support cultural relativism, and also claims that neglect this theory. In this segment the goal is to grasp a better understanding of the theories behind cultural relativism, and establish an understanding, along with a position to either support or neglect the theory.
What Cultural Relativism Is
Cultural relativism is a moral theory. Moral theories are designed to help us figure out what actions are right and wrong. In the theory of cultural relativism, the theory holds that there is no universal morality that is recognized amongst all cultures. In an article on this theory, James Rachel’s states several characteristics of cultural relativism, each distinguished as either supporting, or neglecting the theory itself: 1. Different societies have different moral codes; 2. There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one societal code better than another; 3. The moral code of our own society has no special status, it is merely one among many; 4. There is no “ universal truth” in ethics; 5. The moral code of a society determines what is right within that society; 6. It is mere arrogance for us to try to judge the conduct of other peoples. We should adopt an attitude of tolerance towards practices of other cultures.

II. Arguments that Cultural Relativism is True
An argument that would support cultural relativism would claim first that different cultures have different moral codes. Therefore, there is no objective truth to morality. Right and Wrong are only defined...

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...rks Cited or Bibliography

Gaskill, Dan. "James Rachels’ The Elements of Moral Philosophy." Chapter 2: Cultural Relativism. N.p., n.d. Web. .

"Kief's Blog." : James Rachels on Ethical and Cultural Relativism. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2014. .

"10 Atrocious Genocides In Human History." Listverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. .

N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014. .

N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2014. .

Rachels, James. The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1986. Print.

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