Cultural Plunge Experience

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My Experience I am a Christian and I attend a church of Christ, so for my cultural plunge I decided to go to a different kind of church. I attended a service at Life Church, which is a non-denominational church. The atmosphere of the church building and the service were very different from what I normally experience at the church I attend. The first difference was that Life Church offered a number of services at different times, the one I attended was on a Saturday evening. The auditorium was dark, with fog machines and colorful spotlights shining around the room and on the stage where the band was playing a current pop song. At the beginning of the service, the band played a few songs I was familiar with as church songs. After that, the campus …show more content…

I went to a high school, that was a majority African American and was a football trainer, where I was one of only a few white people around the team. One of my best friends was Hispanic and I got to go to her family gatherings, where I was in the minority. My family did a lot of work with a church and non-profit in west Tulsa that reached out to people in poverty. I am blessed to get to see and experience all of these things and can now not only feel comfortable around different people, but also appreciate diversity in race, gender, religion, etc. Participating in the cultural plunge made me think more deeply about these past interactions as well who I am and what I believe. I learned that I care about people and their opinions and I think it is interesting to see how other people worship. From a conversation about the church experience with my classmate who had never been to church, I learned that it is important to listen to others and not always try to force opinions on others. I also learned that it is important for me to learn about other people’s perspectives and not ever feel like I am better than another person because of my beliefs. Going to Life Church helped me to see that difference is not always a bad thing and it is important to continue learning about other people and

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