Cultural Experience: Global Voices

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Chevy Redman GLST 200-001 Cultural Experience: Global Voices A. Describe the experience. The event that I choose was the Global Voices because I wanted to hear from people from different countries. There were people from the Congo, Mexico, Canada, and the Bahamas. The Congo seems to be known as a third world county in poverty and hardships. In fact it has the most exports in metal materials; most commonly, the metal used in our very own smart phones. You can also go snowboarding or skiing in Congo. Mexico is always look down upon as a very poor dirty country that is full of drugs and rapists. In fact Mexico is a very beautiful country with waterfalls, mountains, islands, and beaches. You can also snowboard and ski in Mexico. It has very sophisticated and modern capital. Many pyramids and ancient empires. Canada is seems to be known for bacon, hockey, and those ranger in red outfits. Canada is actually much more than that. B. …show more content…

Analyze how your awareness of cultures in general and specific cultures represented on campus or in the local community has changed as a result of your involvement in this activity? As I see people that are from different countries or cultures I am quick to make opinions, judgements, and accusations of those people. But my awareness of cultures in general has changed as a result every person’s presentation seeming to revolve around changing the audience’s minds of what they think about their country. It was truly sad and heart breaking. To see that the presentations were not generalizing cause because I thought everything that they said “Don’t think our country is this…” I think it is an embarrassment to not only Americans but myself and any other followers of Christ. By me or others having these opinions that aren’t even remotely true or even backed up by anything it takes away the opportunity to go meet them or engage them or visit them and they may never get the chance to hear about the one true God. Truthfully it hurts to realize such

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