Cultural Differences In 'Grendel And Beowulf'

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In today’s society, most of our life can be defined by what is occurring in the media. What trends we are following, what we find entertaining, and even the values that we hold close to our heart. As you examine the movie, Beowulf and Grendel (Gunnarsson, 2005), and compare it to the original work that it is modelled after, Beowulf (Heaney, 2000), you can see that there is a significant difference in the cultural values of the time period that Beowulf and Grendel was written compared to Beowulf. There is a multitude of differences in the values people hold close to their heart in our world today compared to Beowulf. With Beowulf representing the Anglo-Saxon time period and Beowulf and Grendel representing the early 2000s era, the differences …show more content…

With our culture, we find certain kinds of inaccuracies, such as the exaggeration Beowulf’s boast, to be unstimulating. As a society, we now have the knowledge and common sense to not believe everything we hear without validation. Because of this, our culture places more value on entertainment that is more realistic within the actions of the characters, but more complex within the plot itself and how the characters interact with each …show more content…

Even though, the values of Beowulf and Grendel are similar to the ones that I and my entire generation have grown up learning, both of the epic and movie have qualities that make me unable to come to a conclusion as to which of the works recounts the story of Beowulf and Grendel in a more exceptional way. Therefore, I give the forthcoming generations the responsibility of making that

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