Crystal Express

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According to Raury, artist of the ‘Crystal Express’, everyone has a basic vocation. Revealed in his heart-felt lyrics, he expresses that everyone needs, wants and has a purpose in life that falls into one of the four ‘vocation’ categories; Single, Married, Children and Religious. Raury believes that everyone needs a vocation to be truly happy and he states how no one is just ‘put’ onto this Earth; everyone is here for a reason. A part of his lyrics state that ‘Life is a thing that you chose to inherent’ The meaning behind his words suggest that people choose how they want to make a positive contribution to society. God gave people free will, and with free will comes the responsibility of resisting temptation and using their God given gifts …show more content…

It is to speak on behalf of the poor and the powerless who have no one to speak for them. While others may not consider this to be a ‘real vocation, this is in fact a vocation which calls upon people to share in Jesus’ mission as priest, prophet and King. ‘Be at your true Nirvana,’; when people come to recognise their vocation as God’s calling; they will find true happiness in knowing they are serving the good of society. Everyones’ happiness and ‘true self’ depend on people using their gifts for their chosen vocation. ‘God wants to fulfil their vocation so all people are called to contribute to this ongoing work of creation and bring it to fulfilment’ [CFM 7] Summarised, the basic Christian vocation is to serve the needs of others as Jesus did. By following their vocation, or ‘life calling’ from God, people are reflecting the lyrics of the Crystal Express; ‘And I’ll give you life.’ People are acting as God intended, using their gifts to mimic Jesus’ actions in assisting people. Through the four areas of vocation; married, single, children and religious, people are called to recognise what God intended them to do as a society. Ray utilises the Crystal Express to help people understand the importance of a vocation and how God has revealed the ‘Basic Christian Vocation’, which people are fulfilling, using God given gifts in their vocation. Vocation, to some mean a career, a job that acts as the purpose to one’s life. However, vocation does not come from a voice out there calling people to be something they are not. It comes from a voice inside, calling them to be the person they were born to be, to fulfil the original purpose given at birth by

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