Cruelty In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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Cruelty is a common motif throughout literature and is often used as means of motivation or in the context of a social or political factor. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a perfect example of a novel that embodies cruelty and its effect on the victim and the perpetrator, or in this case perpetrators. Throughout the story, Gregor is abused more and more harshly by his family, people that are supposed to be looking out for his well being. Kafka himself was abused by his father, both emotionally and physically, and uses those experiences to influence the relationships between Gregor and his family in The Metamorphosis. This relationship takes a toll on Gregor’s emotional and physical state but also gives insight into his family's true feelings …show more content…

This is right after Gregor’s transformation and Mr. Samsa, alarmed by Gregor’s new exterior, chases him back to his room, kicking him along the way; however, this was not an isolated event. Mr. Samsa continually abused Gregor throughout the story, once throwing an apple at him that became lodged in Gregor’s shell. Gregor had always loved and cared for his family. He held a job that he hated simply because his family needed the money and he was met by aggression and abuse when he no longer could provide for them. His father throwing the apple at him was the last straw for Gregor. From that point on Gregor’s mental and physical health declined because he realized he was no longer viewed as a member of the family; he realized hr was no longer loved, just simply a burden. This kind of abuse stems from Mr. Samsa’s resentment for Gregor who can no longer provide an income. At one point Gregor’s parents try to have tenants rent rooms in the apartment, but Gregor’s appearance drives them away, only fueling Gregor’s father’s hate. The fact that Mr. Samsa can turn on his only son, who provided for the family selflessly for many year, so quickly questions his connection to his son. Parents are supposed to love their children no matter what, but Gregor’s father seems to only love him if he is bringing in money. This may be a deeper issue than what is conveyed in the story, maybe …show more content…

She would bring him food and talk to him, making sure he felt loved, but slowly that initial support faded. Gregor’s sister over time began to feel the burden of Gregor as his parents had felt from the beginning. She too resented him for not being able to work, and slowly stopped bringing him food, which contributed immensely to his eventual death. She began talking to him less and less until she no longer even came in his room. This may have been the most cruel relationship in the story because when everyone turned against him, his sister was still there until one day she wasn’t anymore. He had such high hope that she would love him no matter what, and she did for a while, until she began to see him as a nuisance. Her lack of attention was more hurtful than his father’s abuse because at least his father paid attention to him, even if it was simply to be abusive. Gregor’s sister became so resentful that she went from being Gregor’s only ally to not even noticing him anymore. She became so wrapped up in the monetary needs of the family, like her parents, that she left her brother to

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