Crossfit Research Paper

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(Pull up) How to do it:
Find a bar that will support your weight and make sure that you have enough space for your hand to be equal distance apart. You can find these at you local gyms and you can even buy bars to go between your doors one brand is called the perfect pull up. Grip you bar with your grip slightly wider than shoulders, make sure that your hands are facing away from you. Relax and let your self hang while holding onto the bar. Next Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar but do not let your chin rest on the bar because this can cause severe damage. Try not to let your body weight fall back, try to control yourself all the way when you are releasing back down from the pull up. This will protect your shoulders, …show more content…

A pull up applies to three of the fitness components: power, speed and strength. A pull up makes you gain power because it increases your power in the forms of muscle strength. You get muscle strength in your biceps and your core muscles. Speed increases the difficulty of the pull ups although if you do the pull ups to fast and not properly you can strain your back and shoulder muscles. Pull ups can increase your strength because it is making you gain muscles in your core and in your biceps and triceps.

Muscles used
Pull-ups work many muscles in your body in your body but in the arm they work the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles in the arms. The brachialis and brachioradialis muscles are located near the ginglymus, and help move the forearm. The biceps brachii, go over the clavicle and the scapula (ginglymus) and they start to flex the medial epicondyle during your crossfit workout. Pull-ups use the teres major, which is a muscle at the back of the scapula Pull-ups use the trapezius muscle along the spine. All of these muscles work to depress the scapula, The abdominal muscles work to stabilize the thorax and abdomen by joining the sternum to the pelvis. The problem that pull ups can cause is that you can strain your brachialis and brachioradialis muscles and you can cause fracturing to your menum if you are to rest your menum (chin) on the bar while you doing the pull ups. You …show more content…

It works on your core muscles and your biceps and triceps which is a part of gaining strength. The second part of fitness that plank work towards is endurance which is “the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way”. Plank does this because it is very had to do plank for long periods of time without giving up and stopping.

Muscles used
The muscles that are used primarily used in plank are the transversus abdominis muscle which is a thin muscle layer on the anterior side of the abdominal wall. During plank you also use your gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles they are also known as abductors, the gluteus medius is the muscle that helps your hip to extend and making this muscle stronger will increase how much waits that you can lift. The gluteus minimus is also one of the secondary muscles that can help hip extension. Second your gluteus maximus (glutes), quadriceps (quads), and hamstrings are all worked during this exercise because you are constantly tensing and flexing.When doing the plank stabilizing muscles contracted and flex in your coat to keep you in the proper position, the muscles that help you stabilize include your hip flexors, quads which are located in your thighs, the pectoralis major and a group of muscles which cover your rib cage called serratus

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