Critical Thinking: The Idea Of Creative Thinking

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The idea of TEACHING thinking challenges both these responses but in different ways. That thinking can be taught – improved - is not to deny that there are individual differences in students’ abilities – but rather that, whatever they are – there is room for improvement . We may need to set about teaching thinking more explicitly than we normally do, and not just assume that it will grow spontaneously through exposure to curriculum content. According to Charles Letteri he identified seven thinking skills that will enhance students’ processing and integration of information. Analysis – ability to break down complex information into parts. Focusing – ability to select relevant information. Comparative analysis – ability to select the correct …show more content…

Activities that asks students to recall, define, recognize, and practice. Comprehension - Involve interpreting the meaning of a graph or diagram or decoding a word. Application level – students are made to transfer known information to applicable situations. Analysis level – students think of how whole elements can be broken down into component elements. Synthesis Level – Thinking tasks at this level require students to take some parts of previously learned information and create completely new, whole products. Evaluation level – students are given tasks to judge quality, credibility, worth, and productiveness. Students thinking at this level provides evidence, logic, and values in support of …show more content…

Williams stresses that “a combination of both domains, cognitive and affective, is what makes for effective human development and the full-functioning, creative individual” (Williams, 1979). To Moore(2002) there are several stages of creative thinking; Preparation the creative thinker collects information and examines it, using ruling of the thinking processes. Incubation the creative thinker questions and investigates until a major relationship seems to appear among events, objects, or ideas. Illumination, the individual may spend quite some time allowing images from the unconscious to surface. Verification, the individual begins to seek out ways of verifying and testing the

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