Critical Thinking Research Paper

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Critical Thinking Paper
Many people all over the world are unhappy, some for a very good reason, like not having your basic needs met. Others are also unhappy with minuscule things, which in some ways are serious problems, but when compared others they might not seem so. There are things we call ‘real-world problems’ which is a sarcastic remark about having struggles that aren’t serious. In a roundabout way, I see this sarcasm as a defense mechanism for those who are unhappy but are also self-aware of how small their issues can be. This article addresses things such as this and offers up advice towards being happier. Suzanne Degges-White Ph.D. writes about how friendliness, cheerfulness, compassion, and gratitude are the four key ingredients …show more content…

Mr. Peterson created an assignment for his students where they write gratitude letters as a belated thank you note to someone they choose specifically. Though this was a moving experience for his students, Mr. Peterson was struggling with writing his own gratitude letter. He soon figured out how to become open enough to write an effective letter. His route says to fake it at first, you should say thank you to all of the cheesy things you can think of off the top of your head. Such as your pets, family, or a neighbor and something they have done for you. These simple things will open you to the idea that you are “an object of love and care… your self-esteem is bolstered when you say. ‘Hey, people have done things for me.’” (Make a Gratitude Adjustment, 2006). Widening your view of your self is referred to as the glue that will hold society together by the author of this article. Though Suzanne’s four factors to happiness are have been agreed upon is valid, there seem to be more than just those four. It is an expanded amount that keeps growing in possibilities as you live life. There is another circumstance that I believe to be very important, that is growth. Carlin Flora …show more content…

You shouldn’t have to follow all of Suzanne’s factors to truly be happy. Some of those things are powerful enough to stand alone, but I believe that Suzanne is trying to help people find maximum happiness. Something that all of the examples that I have given have in common are that they only want to help the public. They have more than likely struggled with being happy in the past and searched their lives and society for answers. When they finally found a method that worked for them they began to write about it. They want to give others who are in their predicament to have an easier time of finding answers, so they offer up their information in hopes it helps. This also ties into these authors fulfilling their goals to be happy. This is much like the compassion example. They are doing their best to be positive influences and serve as someone else’s stepping stone to becoming happier. It is self-fulfilling and charitable at the same

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