Critical Review of The Two Towers

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Critical Review of The Two Towers

The Two Towers starts with the fellowship broken up into small groups,

with the hobbit Frodo Baggins still on his quest to destroy the

powerful ring. His mind is slowly getting poisoned by the ring.

His friend Samwise Gamgee meet a strange creature called Gollum who

promises to take them through their quest. Meanwhile, a group led by

Aragorn and his friends Legolas and Gimli fight to save human families

from the evil creatures called Orcs. The two other hobbits Merry and

Pippin escape from the orcs and go into the forest where they find

refuge with the ent, Treebeard. Gandalf also makes a surprise return

as he was shown falling in Moria.

Like the first film, this is a powerful Hi-tech achievement. There has

been tons of money spent on the digital effect and the overall visual

effects of the film. Gollum is shown extremely well. The character is

computer animated which matches perfectly with the voice of Andy

Serkis. He is really important because he is evil and his mind is

poisoned by the ring. The other digital character is the Ent,

Treebeard. The acting of treebeard and his entish language has been

done very cleverly by Peter Jackson. His voice, movement, responses

and the CGI technical makes the film like no other. The scenes of the

battle at Helm’s Deep are pivotal in the story and the special effects

are shown very professionally. There is everything you imagined in the

battle. The special effects of the ancient weapons and clothing are

used very well through out both films. The helm’s deep battle fits in

perfectly with the storyline and is the turning point of the trilogy.

The Two Towers featured an amazing Dolby Digital soundtrack that will

blow out the mind. The actual music is perfect from a calm scene from

the shire to the fires of Mordor. The big bass fits in perfectly with

the genre and the weapons from the film. The battle at Helm’s Deep is

a masterpiece of audio and video.

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