Critical Analysis Of The Movie Wall-E Movie Review

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In the span of the past decade, the film that has arguably provided the most compelling social commentary did not feature environmental activists or decorated healthcare professionals, but instead a measly, trash-compacting robot with a cockroach for a companion. The movie Wall-E, released in theaters summer of 2008, depicts a distant yet not entirely implausible future where mankind has abandoned a forlorn, stripped earth and where couch-dwelling human blobs sip liquid cupcakes from super-sized cups. The film astutely compares obesity with environmental collapse by playing off the straightforward correlation between the increase in girth of the average American and the diminution of our environment’s vitality. Thus pushing the idea that Western …show more content…

Brandon Stanton, creator of and photographer for Humans of New York, featured Stella’s story in one particular post that depicted her in only her underwear, which received unrelenting positive and negative feedback. Stella’s story is not an anomaly. Trailing closely behind Tobacco smoking, obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over a third of adults living in the U.S. struggle with being obese. The modern diet and sedentary lifestyle is argued to be the cause for current levels of obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes in …show more content…

Instead of vilifying fat and impoverished people, this country needs to consider the roots of our obesity epidemic. Although obesity is largely biological, and some people are more susceptible to weight gain, there are other ways in which we can tackle the obesity issue without needing to change someone’s genetic makeup. Work can be done to reform the institutional disparities that make maintaining a healthy weight difficult for people with lower incomes. A healthy lifestyle is not cheap. More nutritious, higher quality foods are often more expensive and harder to come by in poorer areas. A step in the right direction would be to encourage supermarkets to open up in poverty-stricken neighborhoods through creating tax-incentive programs and adjusting zoning laws. The unfortunate truth is that obesity is affecting our nation’s youth as well as adults. One way to aid this problem is to increase funding for public schools in low-income areas, which might translate into better quality food in the cafeterias and more nutrition and physical

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