Critical Analysis Of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall Part Two

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Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall part two was directed by Rebecca Greene Udden and held at the Main Street Theater. It was performed at 8 o’clock on Friday, October 28, 2016. The playwright was Hilary Mantel. The play is a fictional portrait of King Henry VIII desire of divorcing and overthrowing the Roman Catholic Church in his country at the time in the 1500s. In part two of the play Anne Boleyn is officially the queen of Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell are the King’s chief adviser and his right-hand man. Anne has failed the jobs of the queen by not birthing a boy into Henry VIII bloodline, and now the King is motivated into looking at Jane Seymour. Thomas Cromwell eventually realizes that his only chance of living is to fulfill the King every wish …show more content…

When Anne Boleyn was sitting on the chair since she is very sick, in order to express this Villegas often touched the side of her eye and also put her hand on her chest showing that is sick all over her body. Since she is very sick not able to argue with King Henry VIII advocate Thomas Cromwell, she just let him talk and talk. Showing her disagreement to the audience, Villegas constantly shake her head left and right in disbelief of what is being said by Cromwell. Villegas would often constantly fix her sweater and blanket, expressing she is unable to sit on a chair but is willingly do so in order to show respect to the messenger from the King in …show more content…

My jaw dropped when every time I see King Henry VIII in his red fur coat, it looked very expensive and most importantly matched his status as the King. But the one thing that really bothered me throughout the entire play was the shoes. Almost all of the actor wore the same Toms shoes, with the tag cut out. But, on King Henry VIII who is the king of a nation also wore the same shoes as the peasant that is responsible for taking care of the garden. This resulting in an out of sync in wardrobe connection to the role of the character. Also, the shoe tag on the side of all the shoes wore were cut out, except for King Henry VIII you can still see the shoe tag hanging on the left, it was very visible since the whole shoes are black but the tag was light blue. The female jewelry and dresses were very accurate to the role of their character. Except, for the Queen even though she was sick her servant wore cloth as if the servant was the Queen and the queen was the servant. The cloth looked very worn out as if she is homeless. Even the blanket used by the Queen when she was sitting wasn’t very well made and doesn’t express the Queen status within the play. Overall, the wardrobe was very beautiful with an exception here and there but worked beautifully.
Overall the whole play was good, not great. I was more impressed with how well they were able to bring a bit more comedic side on the whole play of Wolf Hall. There could have been a brought a bit more effort

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