Critical Analysis Of Gene Edward Veith's Reading Between The Lines

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Some works show their true colors right away. Gene Edward Veith’s book, Reading Between The Lines, addresses philosophical ideas, literary sub genres, and reader criticisms in order to ascertain a Christian’s role in literature. He also goes through various historical periods and examines their more prominent works and schools of thought. While a select few of his conclusions about Christianity in relation to the arts have merit, others contain more damaging implications. Specifically, his statements regarding television represent inaccurate and offensive thinking. I must state at this point that much of this book’s content disturbed me, and I experienced great relief at its conclusion. Specifically, his pessimistic views on the Enlightenment, …show more content…

Not only educational shows accomplish these goals, but fictional television programs can often incorporate information that requires viewers to grapple with a topic using logical reasoning and a global consciousness. In addition, not to diminish the importance of reading, television reaches those who may never pick up a book or who might struggle with reading problems, enabling a broader spectrum of people to interact with cognitive topics. Veith has committed the error of making generalizations about two forms of media when, in truth, the situation varies depending on quality and content. However, what follows these statements is not just fallacious, but …show more content…

With all respect to the esteemed author and his colleague, this is a load of crap. Mental illnesses develop in relation to a variety of factors, including biochemical, environmental, and psychological. Placing all the blame on a method of entertainment makes no sense, akin to the fallacy that rock music causes cardiovascular difficulties. In addition, these statements center responsibility for such conditions on the individuals themselves, criticizing their intellectual capacities and communication abilities as well as media preferences. Such victim-blaming tactics clothed in the garb of spiritual criticism only serve to alienate the author to his either offended or wounded audience, while spreading a dangerous philosophy regarding mental

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