Critical Analysis Of Birdman

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The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance Alejandro González Iñárritu’s film Birdman is truly a unique experience. Birdman wrenches the viewer through the scenes visually as well as emotionally. The viewer is pulled back the curtain into the life of Riggan Thomson a man in the middle of a major mid life crises financially and emotionally. The audience is slowly filled in on how Thomson got into the position of his shattered state of life all while looking over the shoulder, hovering around or looking through the very lens of Michael Keaton’s character. Thompson, who it becomes very apparent from the first scene is already emotionally weathered is pouring all he has left in his life into his Broadway play an adaptation of a short story on love by Raymond …show more content…

Thomson has wrapped up all the meaning in his life to how he is viewed by the outside world and when that is suddenly stripped away from him after the final installment in the birdman franchise his life comes to a punishing halt. Through his direction of his Broadway play he finds growth as a person and begins to rebuild the relationships with those who are close to him including his ex-wife and daughter who he has been largely removed from for most of his adult life. His daughter begins to help his transition to a modern actor as she begins to open doors of communication through modern day social media promotion after Thompson has shut them all out of his life due to his recent missteps and shortcomings. Alejandro González Iñárritu’s film birdman uses poignant audio, visual, and rhetorical techniques to give the viewer a first hand look at what it looks and feels like to rebuild …show more content…

The ending of the film is a topic of debate even between the most well reasoned viewers. As there is a good amount of foreshadowing to Thomson’s attempts at suicide during the low point in his life and the film ends with his daughter looking over the edge to which it appears that if Thomson jumped but it is debated weather he actually fell to the ground or rose up in taking the shape of his superhero character thus completing Thomson’s full transformation. Thomson mentioned his constant attempts to commit suicide to his ex-wife including his failed attempt to shoot himself during the final performance of his play. This ending fits perfectly with the film, as it is completely consistent with the intellectual level that the film displays

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