Criminalizing Revenge Porn

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As the internet becomes further and further advanced, our laws are becoming less effective. There are some laws that have been set up to protect citizens from having their work stolen to protecting businesses from hurtful reviews. However, there is a new problem reaching the surface online, such as posting explicit photos of an ex-lover to publicly shame them. In investigating the problem of nationally criminalizing revenge, I have found that the law of defamation and copyright infringement are too broad to handle revenge porn cases, leading to researching if the bill introduced by Jackie Speier, congressional representative of San Francisco, California, known as the Intimate Privacy Protection Act (IPPA), can help reduce this problem.
The problem of fighting revenge porn starts with the fact that the United States of …show more content…

Jackie Speier, the congresswoman who is behind the bill, states that she wishes to propose the bill to help out those who do not have the fame and credibility to take on their exposers in court. When asked about why she proposed the bill, Speier responded, “Celebrities and other high profile victims might be able take on these predators in civil courts, but the average person can't afford that option.” When she mentioned this point to the problem with fighting revenge porn, it adds more importance one why we need to add in her law on a national level; so everyone’s protected, not just those with money. She then continues to say, “Even more disturbing is the number of victims who have mustered the courage and strength to pursue criminal charges, only to learn there is no law that protects them. My bill will fix that appalling legal failure.” This gives the victims insurance that they will not have to sue on a petty crime that does not focus strictly on revenge

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