Criminalization Of Prostitution Essay

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Criminalization of Prostitution Solves Nothing When we hear the term “legal”, we automatically think of law and how it may favor or oppose an act; but why do we even have “law” when “law” doesn’t protect all of the rights of all people- yes all- as it claims. Law is created to maintain some form of social control for the protection of a society’s people (e.g., Vago, 2012); but how are people protected when the law seems up against their will? I’m not talking about the intently harmful criminal activities that people voluntarily choose to engage in; but the legal issues encompassing efforts to engage in sexual misconduct for survival purposes- specifically prostitution. The reason this is a chosen specificity is because as a victimless crime, …show more content…

However, though these social issues and the legal system are interrelated; this paper focuses specifically on the social aspect of it; such that social structures do influence activities considered inappropriate to society’s standards. These little girls who are performing in this victimless crime to make ends meet, are a lot of the times the ones who may become victims of rape; which eventually also becomes a case against them instead of in support to them. No, this is not an argument of whether or not prostitution is morally appropriate; however, this is an argument that prostitution could be seen as a type of business. The legal system does not “protect” these “victims” (group of people whom society does not offer opportunity for economic growth) like they should. Thus, this paper uses the social conflict theory to argue that society and law’s interrelationship denies lower status girls, who are more likely to engage in prostitution for survival, opportunity for economic growth. Additionally, the documentary “Very Young Girls” and books “Law and Society ” and "Contemporary Sociological Theory" will be used as decoys to exemplify this …show more content…

Not only was race obvious, but their social status was apparent. The girls who engaged in this behavior were of the lower class. The relevancy of their race and status is important to demonstrate how this is socially influenced. This is where the sociological conflict perspective comes into play. The conflict perspective would suggest that the economic system makes it difficult for lower class typical African American females to economically grow. Yes, sexual exploitation and prostitution can be seen as degrading to women; such that some men, such as “pimps”, feel authoritative and powerful; however, realization must set in that these lower status African American girls are powerless. If society is not satisfied with this behavior morally, then social and economic alternatives should be provided; instead of focusing on criminalizing them- as it does not solve the actual social

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