Creativity In Albert Einstein's I Sued The School System

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Albert Einstein once said, “To raise new questions, new possibilities; to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science”. Mr. Einstein highlights an important aspect in his quote which is “Creativity”, he explains how creativity is the basis of everything that we do such as the way we learn. Creativity is unlimited especially in the eyes of students. A class of creativity should be held in schools for the unheard voices held in the mind of students. These voices must be heard in order for the future to have success it not only needs but deserves.
A student spending an average of 8 hours a day in school without the right to express themselves only to follow the rules is analyzed as a job well done. Over the years a student’s freedom to express their creativity has diminished. However, who’s to blame? The school system has taken the voices of the children who are our future. In the video “I Sued the School System” by Prince Ea, he says “I call school to the stand and accuse him of killing creativity, individuality and …show more content…

Creativity crumbles the walls of limitation giving everyone the opportunity to be heard and it doesn’t necessarily mean verbal communication it can be written, made, drawn, danced, and etc. Mr. Ea indicates “Working to bring the spirit out of each and every student”. This clarifies the seriousness to let every student express themselves by just giving them the time and energy to hear every child independently. Reminding them how important they are and their voices. Subsequently, Mr.Ea conveys, “So let’s attend to their dreams and there’s no telling what we can achieve”. This demonstrates the positive outcome of giving a person the chance to speak. Creativity will not only teach a student to learn to speak up for themselves, follow their dreams, but also realize the impact they can

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